

We are driven to climb to the top of everything, to do our best and survey the rest below. Gold medals, blue ribbons, trophies, and first place prizes are ours. We bask in applause from those left behind. We strive to be tops.

The Son of Man came to serve and not be served. Born in a lowly manger, He was lifted up on a cross atop hill Golgotha. He gave His all and paid our debt so we could have it all, from streets of gold to a crown of glory: symbols of perfected love. He changed the world. He stands as the pivot of history as we reckon time—BC or AD.

So, what should be our quest, knowing those who would be first will be last, and those who would be last will be first? There was only one Mother Teresa. There is only one you. There is only one me. “No one has greater love than this, to lay down one's life for one's friends.” ‭John 15:13 There is a clarion call today to serve. There is so much pain and division calling for the salve of love.

We are not called to die but to live. We are called to love others as ourselves. We are called to wear masks to save others and ourselves from disease, disability, and death. We are called to physically distance and come together in spirit, following the Leader of compassion who came to serve and not be served. “Love one another as I have loved you.” 

This is the mountain that we will climb today. We will find places where the path is rough, twisted, and steep. We will find winds of delusion and fogs of confusion. We will be tempted to turn back and save ourselves. But we must look up and keep up. The Spirit will lead us to the top. “Choose you this day.” Joshua 24:15

—Larry Smith