The Curve


Life is not always as we expect. Just when we think we have it figured out, it changes. Frustration and disappointment set in. It seems like every week is now packed with a year’s worth of events, and we can’t keep up. We’re tempted to give up.

They say we were never promised a rose garden. Well, I submit we actually were. It’s just not one with thornless roses that never need watering, weeding, and fertilizing. 

Do you recall these words from scripture: “Be not dismayed,” “my peace I give you,” “my yoke is easy,” “the joy of the Lord,” “blessed assurance,” “sweet Savior,” “crown of glory,” “streets of gold,” “no suffering, pain, or death,” “Heaven”? There will be no utility bills and no need for credit cards or bank accounts. Everything will be free—Well, it won’t actually be free; somebody else will have paid it all for us.

All journeys have hills, valleys, twists, and turns as well as viewpoints, rest stops, and service stations. Travel inconveniences become pale memories at journey’s end or after a good night’s rest.

May I encourage you to remember we WERE promised a rose garden with the Rose of Sharon as our chauffeur from beginning to end. Let’s take a deep breath, inhale the perfume, and focus on the joy set before us. Enjoy the view.  Enjoy the ride. Use your telephoto lens to see the future and enlarge the good things. Crop the pictures according to your inspiration. All pictures need some editing.

“Lead me, O Lord, in thy righteousness because of mine enemies; make thy way straight before my face” (Psalm‬ ‭5:8‬).