Warm and Fuzzy


I was taking photos this week with my recently recovered pet Sony on a cold and windy evening, when this stray cat climbed up on the bench and posed for me. It took him ( guessing gender) awhile to warm up to me, but finally allowed me to run my fingers through its warm and fuzzy coat. 

My closer warm, fuzzy friends, wife and dog, were patiently waiting for me in the car. Driving home and thawing out, I’m thinking about the really important things in my life. Yes, I enjoy the hobby of photography, but I love being a hubby and pet master. The warm, fuzzy thoughts, emotions and flesh are where I like to hang out. “Some friends don't help, but a true friend is closer than your own family.” Proverbs‬ ‭18:24‬ ‭CEV‬‬

God is a great designer, maker and director. He had a plan that didn’t include physical distancing . . . or did he? We are now in an emergency situation, with COVID-19 and living in a fallen world. I’m looking forward to getting back to hugging, giving high 5’s, socializing within the six foot zone. I’m also looking forward to walking with God and you in the early morning hours in a renewed garden called, New Earth. Let’s also join on a dance floor called, The Sea of Glass.

Oh man . . . and wo-man! I can hardly wait! Okay. Let’s warm up now with warm and fuzzy words and sounds on Zoom. We’ll add the sweet aroma, sense of touch and clear vision without fuzzy, jumpy screens soon. I’ll echo John’s final words in his revealing of Jesus Christ. “The one who has spoken these things says, “I am coming soon!” So, Lord Jesus, please come soon! I pray that the Lord Jesus will be kind to all of you” Revelation‬ ‭22:20-21‬.

—Larry Smith