CCC Statement Regarding Tragic Killing of Ahmaud Arbery and George Floyd


Contact: Ron Rasmussen
Executive Secretary
Central California Conference of Seventh-day Adventists | Phone: 559-347-3194

CLOVIS, CALIF.,—May 31, 2020, The leaders of the Central California Conference of Seventh-day Adventists (CCC) are heartbroken by the senseless and tragic killing of Mr. Ahmaud Arbery in Georgia and Mr. George Floyd in Minnesota, as well as the resulting aftermath across communities which clearly demonstrates the destructive nature of racism and injustice.

CCC rejects and condemns all injustice, all violence, all intolerance, all racism, anti-Semitism and all forms of hatred and bigotry. As a church body, we hurt when others hurt, we mourn when others mourn and empathize deeply with the victims of such unspeakable acts and behaviors witnessed in recent days. Those behaviors are in direct opposition to our calling and mission as a church. CCC supports, celebrates and values diversity. It is a gift from God that enriches our humanity.

We cannot control current events, but we can make a difference in our own sphere of influence on how we treat each other and how we respond to the injustices we witness. We need to live the love of Christ in our everyday walk, as He taught us, “Love your neighbor as yourself.” (Matthew 22:39). Let us be reminded that we are neither “Jew nor Gentile,” neither “slave nor free,” nor “male and female” but rather, “one in Christ Jesus.” (Galatians 3:28).

We look forward to the soon coming of Jesus, when He, as King of Kings and Lord of Lords, will take us to our eternal home. A home free of marginalization, free of pain, and free of all suffering and injustices. Until then, let us prayerfully press on to that bright, beautiful glorious day living CCC’s Vision statement, “Reflecting Christ. Transforming Communities.” In so doing, let not words alone satisfy our involvement, but deeds, action, hearts, hands and feet actively engaged in our communities to effect change. It is only
then that we become an “essential” church.

As we process the grieving, noisy and chaotic realities of the recent days, we want to stand against injustice and join hands with each other to express our unity of heart, to express our concern, our pain and love for the hurting families. We call and invite all people to the table of peace and into the intimacy, prayerful and restful silence of Jesus’ presence. It is there that we can find strength to love and compassion to heal. This is what is so badly needed today.