Look Up


My wife and I were mesmerized by this sunset on Monday night. She said to me, “It looks like the coming of the Lord.” The words of Jesus as recorded in Luke came to my mind:
“And when these things begin to come to pass, then look up, and lift up your heads; for your redemption draweth nigh” (Luke 21:28). 

We can move our head and turn our eyes to see where we are going. It’s another thing to stand up tall on the inside, knowing we’re a child of God and being filled with with joy, faith, hope, and love. Let’s lift up our heads today and be proud of our gracious Father who does not will that any should suffer and die but offers healing and life to all. That’s an offer we can’t refuse. But freedom must offer a choice. We will get the desires of our heart, and God will finally get His.

—Larry Smith