Golden Glow of Pismo by Larry Smith

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There are two “golden hours” each day for photography; the hour after sunrise and the hour before sunset. There’s something special about the warm, horizontal light during those hours.  But, you can take a picture anytime. Photographers like to have their camera with them all the time because unique photo opportunities can occur anytime. That’s a big advantage of the iPhone camera. It’s almost always with you. Photographers live life in pictures.

There are other things we should always have with us, or always do. . . like breathing. We pray at certain golden times, and we are admonished to pray without ceasing. It just becomes a part of who we are. You live prayerfully. A positive attitude is a good lens to look through. . . one of the be-attitudes. Wake up on the right side of the bed and walk on the sunny side of the street.

Consider this: “From the rising of the sun to its setting the name of the Lord is to be praised! The Lord is high above all nations, and his glory above the heavens!” Psalms‬ ‭113:3-4‬ ‭

Have a cinema day holding goodness in view as you practice social distancing and enjoying the joy of the Lord.

Larry Smith