Cross & Cornerpost by Larry Smith


This is “Good Friday”, a day to remember the crucifixion of Jesus of Nazareth.  It was a bad, sad Friday at the time. His disciples were scattered, confused and at the end of their ropes. Mary, his mother at the foot of the cross was weeping at the death of her promised firstborn. Another Mary and many others were shaken, crushed and dying inside. The earth itself was quaking, the temple veil between the the holy and most holy place was torn from top to bottom . . . a broken, sacred wall to protect and separate the sinner from the savior.

Good Friday? Hardly. Jesus crying out to God, why, why have you forsaken me? No words of, “This is my beloved son in whom I am well pleased.” Only sounds of the rumbling storm, clashes of lightning and the mixed crying with laughter of the crowd. Good Friday or Good Grief Friday?

We need the rest of the story before we can rest and call it good. Linger with the pain of that Friday so you can fully appreciate the Sabbath rest, and the joy of Resurrection Sunday. To be continued.