November 23 2019

The Most Valuable Thing

There are only two ways to live your life. One is as though nothing is a miracle. The other is as though everything is a miracle
— Albert Einstein

Featured Story

week of November 23, 2019

The Most Valuable Thing

by William R. White

A man came to his rabbi and said, “Since my marriage of 10 years has produced no children, I ask that you grant me a letter of divorce from my wife.”

The wise rabbi, knowing his friend to be an impulsive man, urged him to go home and make a sort of feast in commemoration of the coming event. “I see no reason,” the rabbi said, “why a divorce should not be celebrated in some way, similar to marriage.”

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The roots of all goodness lie in the soil of appreciation for goodness


Dalai Lama

The man, who was willing to do almost anything to stay in the rabbi’s good graces, went home and gave a banquet. As he ate and drank, his spirits soared. “Wife,” he said, “I am prepared to let you take the most valuable thing in the house with you as a sign of my good faith. I wish you long years and happiness.”

After the guests went home, the man, tired from celebrating, fell into a deep sleep. The woman quickly ordered her servants to carry him to her father’s house. When he awoke the next morning, finding himself in a strange house, he demanded an explanation.

“I am acting only upon your word,” the wife said softly. “Last evening you offered me the most precious thing in the house. You, dear husband, are of far more value than any item of furniture.”

The man was deeply touched by his wife’s affection. The next day he again approached his rabbi. “My wife and I have come to ask your prayers on our behalf so that the Lord will grant us heirs.”

The rabbi assured the man that he had already begun to pray for the two of them. Nine months later the woman give birth to their first child.

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When we give cheerfully and accept gratefully, everyone is blessed


Maya Angelou

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