SLO Adventist Church

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Walking on Water

When you feel like you’re at a dead end and fear sets in, psychologists tell us there is a fight-or-flight response. The theory was described by Walter Bradford Cannon based on his animal research and observations. But we are more than animals. We are also spirits created in the image of God.

Acute fear can protect us, and chronic fear can destroy us. The scriptures are full of messages from God, Jesus, and the angels from the Genesis story of Abraham’s journey to the apostle John’s visions in Revelation, telling us to “fear not.” Why should we not fear?

Jesus was aware of the destructive nature of fear and shared the antidote for it with Mary, Joseph, the disciples, and us. Fear not because He has overcome our reasons for fearing. He has conquered them. We can trust in Him. The body can be destroyed but not the spirit. We too must see beyond the grave.

We too can live a life of hope. We too can be conquers and not be victims. We too can walk on water if we keep our eyes on Jesus. Ellen White wrote, "we have nothing to fear for the future, except as we shall forget the way the Lord has led us, and His teaching in our past history."

Friends, let’s remember to keep our eyes fixed on Jesus and not look at our own reflection. He is our antidote for fear. Let us choose to live in Him and not die from a shot of booze. We too can walk on water. 

—Larry Smith