SLO Adventist Church

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The Way by Larry Smith

I like to explore the open road and remote trails looking for scenes to capture in my head and on a camera card to share with others. This capture is of a section of Turri Road, one of my favorite drives.

I was trying to capture the feeling of following a broad way to an unknown future. It’s uncanny how we will often ignore what’s at our fingertips and go for some remote destination; the explorer in us. We were made to be curious and also given the basics here and now.

Paul, in Romans 1:20, expressed his frustration in humankind‘s blindness in seeing God and his power in the obvious reality at hand “Ever since the creation of the world his invisible nature, namely, his eternal power and deity, has been clearly perceived in the things that have been made. So they are without excuse.”

I often take a deep breath in awe at the obvious works of the creator. Share that with me today as you see divinity in the things at hand. See God in his handiwork, and in your brothers and sisters; your family. No excuses . . . just do it. This is The Way.