SLO Adventist Church

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The Fog of Separation

This early morning scene of fences, gates, and a chute made of cold, damp steel at a cattle ranch in the early morning fog reminded me of the pain of separation. The stories of first responders, nurses, and doctors having to deal with COVID-19 victims during their last hours dying alone are heartbreaking.

Life was not meant to be this way. We were not created to deal with death. We were not created to be alone. No wonder we are falling apart during these excruciating times. But, thanks be to God that we are not left alone.

The life and teachings of Jesus give us hope. We know there is a resurrection and that death is merely a much needed sleep for those who are safe to save. The pain of separation is drowned by the joy set before us, knowing Jesus goes through this with us with tears flowing from His eyes too. Tears of sorrow will be turned into tears of joy of reuniting in a perfect world where there will be no more pains or dying.

Let us treasure that in our hearts as we try to get our heads around this assurance and our bodies ache. Joy comes in that morning as today’s mournings fade is in the fog of these moments.

—Larry Smith