SLO Adventist Church

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Statement Regarding George Floyd

Central States Conference Official Statement Regarding George Floyd.

May 27, 2020

Statement Regarding the Death of George Floyd

We, the Central States Conference of Seventh-day Adventists, are deeply saddened, angered, and horrified by the tragic death of George Floyd, at the hands of Minneapolis Police Officers on Monday May 25, 2020.  We are thankful to the Minneapolis Police Department for their swift termination of the police officers involved in this tragedy.  We would like to see justice legally served that is equal to the crime perpetrated against George Floyd.  

As a Seventh-day Adventist Conference that oversees churches and members in the Minneapolis, Minnesota area, we fully support any and all non-violent protests, boycotts, and public pressure necessary to achieve justice for George Floyd.  As people of the Word, who believe in not only talking about God’s love but demonstrating God’s love, Isaiah 1:17 admonishes us to “Learn to do good; Seek justice; Rebuke the oppressor; Defend the fatherless, Plead for the widow.”  The wise man Solomon in Proverbs 18:5 reiterates “It is not right to acquit the guilty or deny justice to the innocent.”

Subsequently, we strongly believe that we have a spiritual and moral responsibility to the people and community within our territory, and it is our intent to always be concerned with the eternal destiny and the present welfare of our people.  Unlike the priest and the rabbi who witnessed an injured man and passed by on the other side, we will not turn a blind eye to the injustices that continue to be perpetrated against our people of color. 

If there is anything that our church members, pastors, churches, and Conference can do to support justice running down like a mighty stream for the family of George Floyd during this time of loss, we are here to serve.   May God have mercy on us, as we weep, but not without the hope that the God who sees all will bring present and eternal justice to all.