SLO Adventist Church

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Little Things Matter

We enjoy watching the hummingbirds feed near our hot tub. Their aerodynamics put the Blue Angels to shame. This one made a miscalculation and ended up on the stone patio, presumably having flown into a window. 

Holding the hummer in my hand, I felt a tear come to my eye as I considered the creature’s beauty and its Creator. The design and colors rivaled any jeweled crown. Although small, it was more brilliant than the biggest diamond. 

What went wrongWhat could I have done to prevent this? A cage would have been a prison, and CPR would have been useless. Freedom allows us to break our necks. Why are the most precious things so fragile and the mundane so enduring? If the hairs on my head are numbered (fewer by the day), and our Father notes a sparrow’s fall, this one deserves top billing. 

These are childish thoughts—or are they? Jesus says, “Fear not therefore: ye are of more value than many sparrows” (Matthew‬ ‭10:31).‬ 

Life and death matter. We all matter, and God asks us what more He can do. During these disparaging times, let’s put our trust in trustworthy things, cling to hope, and love without ending.

—Larry Smith